domingo, 19 de julio de 2009

You change your mind sdas d sad sa d sa d as d sa d asdCause you're hot then you're cold

Like a girl changes clothes /////////////////////////You're yes then you're no

Yeah you P.M.S///////////////////////////////////.You're in then you're out

Like a bitch//////////////////////////////////////.You're up then you're down

I would know//////////////////////////////////////You're wrong when it's right

And you over think/////////////////////////////////It's black and it's white

Always speak cryptically///////////////////////////..It's black and it's white

I should know////////////////////////////////////...We fight we break up

That you're no good for me/////////////////////////..We kiss we make up

...................................You, you don't really wanna stay no

...................................You, but you don't really wanna go o

....................................You're hot then you're cold

.....................................You're yes then you're no

......................................You're in then you're out

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